Sep 18 2024
Refugee's Health Workshop

Tehran University of Medical Sciences, School of Public Health was hosted a one-day workshop on Refugee's Health

Tehran University of Medical Sciences, School of Public Health has hosted a one-day informative workshop on Refugee Health to address the needs of these vulnerable groups. This scientific event which was held in-person and virtually provided a platform for sharing lessons learned about the health challenges of migrants and refugees in Iran, at regional, and global levels, as well. The opening ceremony was started by Dr. Ali Akbari Sari, Professor of Health Policy and Management, Department of Health Management and Economics, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences. He presented a brief history and goals of the meeting. After that Dr. Syed Jaffar Hussain, WHO Representative and Head of Mission in the Islamic Republic of Iran has a presentation focused on the definition of IPD, refugee, migrant, and taking a comprehensive approach and universal health coverage. Then, the meeting was continued in two panels by keynote speakers from WHO, UNFPA, ICRC, India, South Africa, and the Islamic Republic of Iran.
This workshop covered the following topics:
#       Health needs assessment for refugees
#       Refugees Men’s health & gender equality
#       Refugee's women health
#       Refugee's health needs in Tehran
#       Challenges of providing HCSs for refugees
#       Refugee concerns in the age of extreme climatic events & Diplomatic solutions
#       The Situation of Women’s Health Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh
#       The humanitarian response of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement to improve the health of migrants
#       EMRO strategy on promoting the health and well-being of refugees, migrants, IDPs, and other displaced groups
At the end of each panel, questions from the participants have been addressed
Author: Dr. Kiyoumars Allahbakhshi

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کیومرث اله بخشی


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